About Waradana

Who are we?

News and events never cease, and no matter how much we try to turn a blind eye to current events, we can't escape hearing about them in some form or another.

This is where the main problem lies: How do we obtain this information in its original, unaltered state? Do impartial media groups exist?

The founding principle of Waradana is that every citizen has the right to access the truth, and it is the duty of journalists to communicate it in a professional and unbiased manner, upholding the highest standards of their profession.

We created a platform to deliver accurate and reliable information in response to the discerning public's growing dissatisfaction with misleading or biased news. This platform has chosen to collaborate exclusively with a select group of highly skilled and experienced journalists.

Now more than ever, thanks to advancements in communication, the world has shrunk to the size of a global village, and as the name of our site, "Waradana," suggests, we are simply the means through which the news travels from its original source to you. We find ourselves in human and moral contact with every global event, regardless of its type, proximity, or geographical distance.

We assure you that we will first be at the same distance from all parties and events, that we will be in the centre of the circle of events, and that we will communicate everything that is happening in our world. For this reason, we work with big international news agencies to keep you updated on all developments that have a different effect on our lives.

Introducing our unparalleled commitment to the world of journalism, where we embody the essence of water and air—the very elements that sustain life itself. Experience the essence of journalism, where objectivity reigns supreme and professionalism shines bright. Our unwavering dedication to accuracy and impartiality sets the bar for the highest standards in the industry.

"Waradana" is an Arab news website that provides ample opportunities for Arab youth, women in leadership roles, and various groups seeking a platform to voice their opinions and foster mutual understanding.

Our Arab world possesses abundant resources, talents, and opportunities that deserve to consistently receive the highest quality of support and resources.a