Arab World

Iran: Ready to Resume Relations with Saudi Arabia and Awaiting Its Position

Iran: Ready to Resume Relations with Saudi Arabia and Awaiting Its Position

Iran's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, confirmed that regional dialogue could achieve stability among nations in the area. In a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, in Moscow on Wednesday, he stated that his country is communicating with Saudi Arabia to resolve disputes, adding that the talks are progressing constructively. The Iranian minister announced that Iran is ready to resume relations with Saudi Arabia and is currently awaiting Riyadh's position.

Regarding nuclear negotiations, he indicated that he expects them to resume in Vienna "soon," stating, "I emphasize that we are finalizing consultations in this regard, and we will return to the negotiating table in Vienna soon." He highlighted Iran's full cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), noting that Tehran is awaiting proposals from the agency's Director General, Rafael Grossi. He also mentioned that Iranian authorities are waiting for the agency's statement and condemnation of the terrorist attack on the Karaj facility.

Additionally, he expressed significant concern about the Israeli presence in the Caucasus, referring to Azerbaijan. He indicated that he discussed the Caucasus issue with the Russian side, saying, "We expressed to Lavrov our concern about the situations in the region, especially regarding some illegal actions." He added, "We are disappointed with some neighboring countries," referring to Azerbaijan, and expressed a desire for them to adopt a friendly policy in the Caucasus. He also stressed that his country "will not tolerate any geopolitical change in the map of the Caucasus," affirming serious concerns regarding the presence of Israelis in the area.

These statements come amid increased tension between Iran and Azerbaijan, following Iran's accusations that its neighbor has allowed Israelis to be present near the border. For his part, Lavrov called for a resolution to the nuclear deal crisis, confirming that all international parties are committed to achieving this goal. He noted that both Russia and Iran reject Western impositions. It is worth mentioning that nuclear negotiations, which began in Vienna last April, were halted in June after six rounds failed to revive the 2015 deal, from which the United States withdrew in 2018. However, the Iranian foreign ministry has repeatedly announced in recent days that they will return to the negotiating table in Vienna "soon."

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