
The Most Isolated Hotel in the World for $10,000 a Night

The Most Isolated Hotel in the World for $10,000 a Night

"The Sheldon Chalet" is the most isolated hotel in the world, allowing its guests to enjoy breathtaking landscapes for $10,000 per night. Located on the edge of the Don Sheldon Amphitheater in the stunning Ruth Glacier of Denali, Alaska, the Sheldon Chalet consists of 5 bedrooms and is only accessible by air.

The hotel sits 1,829 meters above sea level in an area abundant with bears, wolves, and caribou. The hotel's staff offer visitors helicopter transportation, meals, and several activities such as ice skiing, mountain climbing, and fishing. According to the British newspaper "The Sun," the hotel's rooms provide "panoramic" views of the surrounding landscapes and can accommodate up to 10 guests at a time.

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