
Egyptian Judiciary Rules on Preventing Mohamed Ramadan from Acting

Egyptian Judiciary Rules on Preventing Mohamed Ramadan from Acting

An Egyptian court ruled against a lawsuit that sought to permanently remove actor Mohamed Ramadan from the Actors Syndicate and prevent him from practicing acting. The lawsuit was filed by a lawyer against the head of the Actors Syndicate, Ashraf Zaki, and actor Mohamed Ramadan.

The complaint stated, “Videos of some young people imitating him circulated on social media, and Mohamed Ramadan's artistic works lacked the most basic professional and artistic standards, presenting a distorted and negative example for Egyptian youth.”

The lawsuit further claimed, “His works represent a decline in artistic and moral standards, which signifies a deterioration of Egyptian art, which has always supported the Egyptian state and defended its principles. What some present as artistic works reinforces the creation of a morally distorted generation.”

Moreover, attacks against Ramadan from artistic circles have continued, as the head of the Musicians Syndicate in Egypt, Hany Shaker, had recently called for investigating Ramadan and banning his concerts in the country.

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