
"Hidden Killer" in Your Kitchen is Dirtier than the Toilet!

The "cutting board" in the kitchen can become an invisible killer. Despite the significant attention given to food safety and cleanliness, this "hidden killer" is sometimes overlooked.

A cutting board is an essential item in the kitchen. Since it comes into contact with a variety of foods on a daily basis, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Typically, the cutting boards we use every day are made of wood or bamboo. These materials collect knife marks and food particles, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to thrive.

According to WeChat research, as many as two million Staphylococcus and tens of thousands of Escherichia coli bacteria can be found on one square centimeter of the surface of a cutting board. After cutting seafood, Streptococcus fungi may remain on the board.

When they enter the human body, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus fungi can cause extraintestinal infections, severe diarrhea, and other unpleasant consequences.

Worse yet, many families do not change their cutting boards for several years. Moreover, some people use the board and place it back without even washing it, accumulating a large number of bacteria on these boards. Thus, this item becomes truly dirtier than the toilet.

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