
Title: Metropolitan Awdah to the MPs: Do Not Get Drunk on Power!

Title: Metropolitan Awdah to the MPs: Do Not Get Drunk on Power!

The Metropolitan of Beirut and its dependents for the Greek Orthodox, Metropolitan Elias Awdah, addressed the MPs, saying: "O MPs, our hope is that you work according to the constitution to build a just democratic state that respects all rights and obliges everyone to fulfill their duties, on the separation of powers and fortifying the judiciary to be independent and effective, on confronting the paralysis of institutions, addressing the economic bleeding and caring about people's pain and suffering, and on revealing the truth about the Beirut explosion away from compromises, settlements, and obscuring the facts. Do not get drunk on power and do not let the disease of tyranny afflict you. Be the voice of those who elected you and who place their hopes in you."

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