
Symptoms of Stomach Cancer: Including Pain and Loss of Appetite

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer: Including Pain and Loss of Appetite

The German Cancer Information Service stated that stomach cancer is a cancer that affects the inner lining of the stomach and can extend to the esophagus or the small intestine.

The service explained that risk factors leading to stomach cancer include genetic predisposition, excessive alcohol consumption, a high intake of salted, processed, or smoked foods, low consumption of vegetables and fruits, glandular fever, stomach surgery, and chronic inflammation of the stomach lining caused by the bacterium "Helicobacter pylori."

Symptoms of stomach cancer include a feeling of pressure, fullness, or pain in the upper abdomen, loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, anemia, reduced ability to exert effort, difficulties swallowing, heartburn, frequent nausea and vomiting, and unusually dark stools.

The treatment for stomach cancer depends on the location of the tumor and its extent. If cancer is detected very early and is limited to the surface mucosa, it can be removed through an endoscopic procedure (endoscopic resection). However, if the tumor has already penetrated deeper tissues, a more extensive surgery is necessary, which involves removing parts of the stomach or the entire stomach, and possibly also the lower part of the esophagus, spleen, or part of the pancreas.

In addition, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be considered.

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