
## COVID-19 on the Path to Becoming a Chronic Disease

## COVID-19 on the Path to Becoming a Chronic Disease

Historically, it is known that most epidemics last between two and a half to three and a half years. Over time, epidemic viruses mutate and turn into chronic illnesses that spread at lower levels and can be managed. This is what happened with the influenza strain following its outbreak in 1918, and some virology specialists hope this will occur with the virus causing COVID-19.

As for the Omicron variant, early reports suggest it is likely to cause less severe infections, possibly due to its unique combination of mutations at a time when immunity is strengthening worldwide. It is still early to know how COVID-19 will ultimately evolve.

While experts generally believe that viruses tend to mutate to become less dangerous, we cannot guarantee 100% that the coronavirus will follow this pattern; the year 2021 is not at all like 1918, and vaccines, global travel, data, and treatments will now have a significant impact on the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The "Health Line" website quoted Dr. Rodney Rohde, a virologist and professor of clinical laboratory science at Texas State University, stating, “Given that COVID-19 has a large number of asymptomatic transmission routes, we may not fully understand how the virus can evolve under the societal and environmental pressures it faces, such as masks, social distancing, and remote communication.”

Dr. Rohde added, “The influenza virus in 1918 eventually mutated to the point where it did not cause many deaths, and in fact, after more than three years or so, we may see this process with the current variants of the coronavirus as well,” but Rohde clarified that there is no certainty that this will indeed happen.

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