
Title: Man Receives 5 Doses of 3 Different COVID Vaccines in 10 Days

Title: Man Receives 5 Doses of 3 Different COVID Vaccines in 10 Days

A man in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, managed to receive 5 doses of 3 different types of the COVID-19 vaccine within just 10 days. According to official records, the man, whose name has not been disclosed, began receiving the COVID vaccine in May and continued to get new vaccines until June. His actions were eventually discovered by staff at a vaccination station earlier this month while he was attempting to get vaccinated for the sixth time.

Records obtained by Brazilian media show that the man received his first dose from Pfizer on May 12, the second dose from AstraZeneca on June 5, the third dose from Coronavac on June 17, the fourth dose from Pfizer on July 9, and the fifth dose from the Chinese Coronavac on July 21. Initially, authorities believed that the man's vaccination records were merely a glitch in the online system, but a preliminary investigation by the municipal health department in Rio revealed that this was not a registration error.

The municipal health department in Rio stated, “An investigation is underway to determine whether there was a failure to register the man's previous doses in the system or other violations.” According to Oddity Central, this incident comes at a time when Brazil is facing a severe vaccine shortage, with millions waiting for their first dose. While Brazilian media has reported cases of individuals receiving their third dose, this is the first instance of someone receiving 5 doses of 3 different types of vaccines.

It is worth noting that the unidentified man with the 5 vaccinations is in good health.

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