
Hotspot of the Pandemic: Russia Faces a "Catastrophic Fourth Wave" of COVID-19

Hotspot of the Pandemic: Russia Faces a

Russia has recorded the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in Europe, as authorities seek to curb the rise in infections and fatalities. Restrictions aimed at containing the virus have come into effect, but deep frustration and blame weigh heavily on many Russians. The Washington Post spoke with Alexander Ivanov, who nearly lost his life during a routine medical check-up in mid-September due to overcrowded clinics where no one was wearing masks or practicing social distancing.

Ivanov, who is not vaccinated, says this scene is common in public places and transportation in Russia. Three days later, Ivanov (47) contracted COVID-19 and ended up in intensive care in Yekaterinburg, in Russia's Ural region. There, he witnessed other patients fighting for their lives, fearing he would soon join them.

The Washington Post states that "the catastrophic fourth wave in Russia" resulted from a failed vaccination campaign and confusing, intermittent government messages about COVID-19, making it difficult to correct the course now. Russia began strict lockdown measures in early 2020 but relaxed them ahead of a crucial vote on constitutional changes in July 2020. Instead of enforcing stringent nationwide measures, Russia hoped that the rollout of several locally developed vaccines would help control the pandemic's spread.

However, despite the availability of vaccines for months, only 32.5% of the population has been fully vaccinated, according to government statistics released on Saturday. This summer, Moscow adopted QR codes to verify vaccination status and allow entry into bars, restaurants, and cafes, but this measure was quickly ignored by the public.

Some analysts quoted by the newspaper suggest that the lack of trust in authorities and skepticism among doctors helps explain the state's hesitance in promoting vaccination uptake. Others blame anti-vaccine activists and widespread misinformation on social media. Nevertheless, the result is the same: Russia has become a "hotspot of the pandemic," according to the Washington Post, while countries with higher vaccination rates lift restrictions.

Official authorities are recording a grim milestone of Russian COVID-19 deaths, with more than 1,100 reported daily. Russian authorities have been accused of downplaying the extent of the pandemic, while data from the statistical agency "Rosstat" revealed that the actual death toll from COVID is double the official count.

As hospitals struggle, small business owners express their anger over the reimposition of restrictions, including partial lockdowns starting Thursday. Rosstat reported that 44,265 people died from COVID in September, which is double the official tally. This latest figure raises the total COVID death toll in Russia to nearly 450,000, the highest in Europe.

On Saturday, the government reported 40,251 new virus cases, the highest daily total since the pandemic began. In an effort to reduce the record number of daily infections and deaths, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered paid leave for employees starting Saturday and lasting until November 7.

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