
A New Approach Adopted by the Patriarch: The Policy of Conformity is No Longer Effective!

A New Approach Adopted by the Patriarch: The Policy of Conformity is No Longer Effective!

Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Rai has once again raised his voice against the obstruction of government formation, stating: "We cannot accept the closure of the file on forming a new government as if the government is merely a detail in the structure of the system. What we fear is that if the political forces fail to form a government, they will also be unable to elect a president for the republic in the future." Sources from Bkerke described Rai's remarks in a call with "An-Nabaa" electronic news as being "in line with the new political direction that he has decided to adopt in communication with officials after realizing that the policy of conformity and sidestepping issues is no longer effective; rather, it is being exploited by some for personal aims as if the patriarch's mission is to distribute free gifts to officials concerned only with their personal interests and not responsible for this country that has reached its current state."

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