
Shia to Jahjah: Updates on the Demarcation Negotiations File

Shia to Jahjah: Updates on the Demarcation Negotiations File

The leader of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, met with the U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, Dorothy Shea, in Maarab to discuss the latest political developments in Lebanon and the region. The meeting was attended by the party's former Minister of Foreign Relations, Richard Kyumjian, and Mark Saad.

Shea briefed Geagea on the latest updates regarding the negotiations on maritime border demarcation. The two parties also discussed the issue of energy imports from Egypt, revealing that this matter is currently stalled due to the requirement for the formation of a regulatory body by the World Bank, which the government has made no progress on thus far. This situation deprives the Lebanese people of electricity and keeps them in darkness.

Geagea emphasized the necessity of supporting Lebanon in the upcoming critical phase and ensuring the completion of the presidential election process on schedule.

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