
Death of Climbers While Ascending the Second Highest Peak in the World

Death of Climbers While Ascending the Second Highest Peak in the World

An Australian and a Canadian climber died in northern Pakistan while attempting to scale K2, the second highest peak in the world. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced the death of Matthew Eakin, expressing condolences to his family and friends. His body was found through a search using a drone on Thursday. A Pakistani mountaineering official reported that the body of Richard Cartier, who disappeared in a separate incident while trying to climb the same peak on July 19, was finally spotted by a search team. Cartier, 60 years old, was an experienced climber. Last week, a third climber of Afghan nationality named Ali Akbar Sakki died on K2. It is noted that K2, located on the China-Pakistan border within the Karakoram mountain range, has one of the deadliest records, as most climbers die during descent, as even the slightest mistake can lead to an avalanche. K2 is also one of the coldest climbing peaks and experiences the strongest gusts of wind.

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