
Title: Berri: Hochstein to Visit Lebanon Sunday or Monday Amid Debate with Yakoubian

Title: Berri: Hochstein to Visit Lebanon Sunday or Monday Amid Debate with Yakoubian

Al-Markazia - Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri confirmed at the beginning of the parliamentary session that the American mediator Amos Hochstein will visit Lebanon on Sunday or Monday to discuss the maritime border demarcation. Berri responded to comments made by MP Paula Yacoubian regarding a legislative session on the maritime border issue, stating, "Where was Paula when I was 'fighting' for the oil wealth issue 12 years ago? She wasn't even married yet. We don’t want to speak for her sake, but for her husband’s, who is our friend." He reiterated that the basic rules of legislation state there should be no legislating during an electoral session, suggesting that some are coming to the council just to show off. In response, Yacoubian said: "His comments are unacceptable and shameful; he has ended election sessions multiple times and started a legislative session whenever there’s a way to pass something." She added: "We operate according to the rules, and the issue of border demarcation cannot be postponed because we must protect our rights and not make a deal with Hochstein."

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