
Monkeypox Causes Vision Loss!?

Monkeypox Causes Vision Loss!?

Dr. Natalia Beshinetschnaya, Deputy Director of Clinical and Analytical Work at the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, announced that long-term complications related to vision may occur after monkeypox. She stated in a comment to the newspaper "Izvestia": "Infection of the eye with monkeypox can lead to keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), causing clouding and ulceration, ultimately resulting in scarring, and as a result, permanent vision loss."

According to data from Tanta University in Egypt, which is conducting studies in this field, one in ten monkeypox patients experiences vision loss, one in five suffers from light sensitivity, and one third develop conjunctivitis. Additionally, 17% of patients experience conjunctival diseases, 7.5% suffer from keratitis, and 4% from corneal ulcers.

Stanislav Outstavenov, director of the Population Health Indicators Analysis and Healthcare Digitization Laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, also revealed that the World Health Organization confirmed that monkeypox can cause vision loss. He added: "Moreover, the World Health Organization states that the severe consequences of monkeypox include encephalitis, bronchial pneumonia, and sepsis."

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