
Samsung Announces New Invention for Developing Artificial Muscles

Samsung Announces New Invention for Developing Artificial Muscles

Samsung has announced a new invention that will contribute to the development of artificial muscle technologies. The company's online platforms reported that Samsung engineers collaborated with experts from Ajou University in South Korea to develop the "CASA" actuator for artificial muscles, each capable of lifting more than 800 times its own weight. According to experts at Samsung, "CASA" is a metallic spring connected to sturdy wires and equipped with electronic chips that can interact with artificial intelligence systems. Under a specific pressure, the wires move the spring, which in turn activates the artificial muscle. Currently, the artificial muscle equipped with this device weighs only 0.2 grams but can lift 170 grams, over 800 times its weight. Samsung experts indicate that larger muscles can be made using the same design, capable of lifting hundreds of kilograms, making them suitable for use in artificial structures in the future. In addition, "CASA" technologies can also be utilized in virtual reality glasses or in artificial gloves that enable individuals with disabilities to grasp objects.

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