Arab World

# UAE Operates First Flights to Support Stability Efforts in African Sahel Countries

# UAE Operates First Flights to Support Stability Efforts in African Sahel Countries

The Ministry of Defense has announced the commencement of logistics support flights for international efforts led by France to combat terrorism in the Sahel region, aimed at achieving security and stability. The first flight departed from Abu Dhabi, attended by the Commander of Joint Operations at the Ministry of Defense, Major General Saleh Mohammed Saleh Majran Al Ameri, and the French Ambassador to the UAE, Xavier Chatel.

Major General Saleh Mohammed Saleh Majran Al Ameri affirmed that the UAE's efforts would contribute to achieving security and stability in the Sahel region. For his part, Ambassador Xavier Chatel expressed gratitude to the UAE for its contribution to supporting international efforts and France's initiatives in assisting security and stability operations in the Sahel region.

The UAE Armed Forces are expected to allocate several of their flights for transporting humanitarian and relief aid, given their extensive experience in humanitarian and relief work at both regional and international levels.

On another note, the UAE expressed its support for the decision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ban agricultural products coming from the Lebanese Republic, after it was found that these products were being used to smuggle drugs into the Kingdom. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation affirmed its support for the Kingdom in its measures to protect society from the scourge of drugs and endorsed all steps it is taking in its ongoing efforts to combat this organized crime. The ministry called for the development of appropriate technologies and the implementation of all necessary measures to reduce the smuggling of this dangerous scourge.

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