Man Found Dead After Attempting to Climb Mont Blanc

An American man, 65 years old, was found dead on Friday after going missing on the French Mont Blanc, as reported by mountain rescue units confirming information published by the newspaper "Le Dauphiné Libéré." The man was last seen on Thursday evening when he failed to return to the mountain lodge where he was staying. After a day of searching, gendarmerie personnel in Chamonix discovered his body at the bottom of a crevasse at an altitude of about 4,500 meters on the path leading to the summit of Mont Blanc. Additionally, the search is still ongoing for a South Korean climber who has been missing in this mountainous area since Tuesday. Local authorities attributed these incidents on Friday to a "lack of technical knowledge," deeming it "unreasonable" for "inexperienced climbers" to attempt to ascend Mont Blanc even via the normal route without the supervision of a professional mountain guide.

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