
Ideal Refrigerator Temperature for Food Preservation

Ideal Refrigerator Temperature for Food Preservation

You might usually assume that the automatic temperature setting on your refrigerator is programmed to be most suitable for food storage. However, reports have found that this is not always the case, which can lead to food spoiling faster and an increase in foodborne illnesses. So, what is the optimal temperature, and how can you control it?

A refrigerator, at the right temperature, can keep nutrients fresh for days and weeks at a time by slowing bacterial growth. However, when temperatures rise beyond a certain point, bacteria will begin to multiply and before you know it, food quality will decline significantly, and worse, the risk of foodborne illnesses will prevail.

What temperature should your refrigerator be at? According to the UK Food Standards Agency, the optimal temperature for the refrigerator is 5 degrees Celsius or lower. Anything above this could provide fertile ground for some harmful bacteria. This temperature is as close to freezing as possible without actually freezing your food, making the environment so cold that bacteria cannot operate effectively.

The agency stated, "Most harmful bacteria grow at temperatures above 8 degrees Celsius and below 63 degrees Celsius - this is known as the 'danger zone' for microbial growth. This means that you not only need to avoid these high temperature levels in the refrigerator, but the advice also applies to storing frozen foods as well. The safest way to defrost food is to place it in the refrigerator overnight." By thawing food in the refrigerator, your food should never enter the danger zone since the temperature in the refrigerator (if set at 5 degrees Celsius or lower) will not encourage the positive growth of harmful bacteria.

What if my food is still spoiling at a refrigerator temperature lower than 5 degrees Celsius? If you find that your refrigerator is actually at the optimal temperature but food is still spoiling faster than usual, it may be over-packed. Do not fill your refrigerator with too many food items; leave space to allow air circulation and maintain the specified temperature.

What should the temperature be for the freezer? The optimal temperature for a freezer is around -18 degrees Celsius, but it can go down to -25 degrees Celsius and still operate effectively. These low temperatures will help delay chemical reactions within foods and stop any bacteria that may be present, according to the British newspaper "Express."

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