
Title: Dollarization of School Tuition is Illegal, and a Deputy Presents a Solution

Title: Dollarization of School Tuition is Illegal, and a Deputy Presents a Solution

Deputy Edgar Traboulsi confirmed that "the dollarization of school tuition is illegal, but it has become a reality due to some private institutions resorting to paying part of salaries in dollars." He pointed out that "citizens cannot sustain themselves if they do not receive some of their salaries in dollars, even if it's a small portion of what their salaries were before the crisis." Traboulsi emphasized in an interview with "Voice of Lebanon" radio that "collecting tuition in dollars is illegal and is related to Law 515, which states that the school must agree with the parents' committee on the budget." He added that "any increase in dollars or Lebanese pounds that maintains the school’s sustainability must be justified to the parents' committee and approved by them, and based on that, the tuition fees are determined." Traboulsi revealed that he will submit a proposal to amend Law 515 to protect the rights of parents, teachers, and schools by requiring the school and parents to appoint a licensed external auditing firm to fulfill the role that the state used to play, ensuring that expenses, budgets, and tuition fees are justified.

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