France Experiences Hottest Summer in Over 120 Years

The French meteorological agency has revealed that the country has experienced the second hottest summer in over 120 years, specifically since 1900, following the unprecedented heatwave of 2003. The agency noted that during the months of June, July, and August this year, the average temperature is likely to be 2.3 degrees Celsius higher than the reference value. The French weather agency reported that the country faced three heatwaves over the past three months, describing them as particularly severe and long-lasting, with one heatwave lasting a record 33 days. It is worth mentioning that weather and climate researcher Abdulaziz Al-Hussaini confirmed that hot desert winds from North Africa are the reason for the temperature rise in southern and central Europe, reaching record levels of 40 degrees Celsius in central Europe, which is considered unprecedented for those areas.

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