
Bassil Mediates with Bulgaria to Lift American Sanctions Against Him!

Bassil Mediates with Bulgaria to Lift American Sanctions Against Him!

Political sources indicate that the escalation of the Aounist party's campaign stems from the impending end of President Aoun's term and the blockage of any prospects for inheriting his son-in-law, MP Gibran Bassil, despite all attempts to appeal for regional and international decision-making centers. The sources added, via "Al-Liwaa," that the maneuver involving the President's judge, Ghada Aoun, at the central bank was not only aimed at undermining the governor but was also a reaction to Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati's insistence on forming the new government contrary to Bassil's wishes.

Sources revealed that the leader of the Free Patriotic Movement is working in multiple directions to restore his image and present himself with a new approach and behavior different from before. After exploiting the presence of several Arab foreign ministers in Beirut recently, he met with some away from the media, carrying messages of rapprochement and openness to their governments and a desire to distance himself from Hezbollah's policies. However, so far, he has not received any responses to his messages.

It was noted that President Michel Aoun was excluded from the invitation to the Jeddah summit, while Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt were invited, signaling an Arab response to Bassil's outreach. Furthermore, Lebanon was allocated high-profile statements at the summit's conclusion, which the President did not comment on.

Most importantly, European diplomatic sources revealed Bassil's recent visit to Bulgaria, where he requested their mediation with the American side, given the good relations between the two countries, to help expedite the lifting of the American sanctions imposed on him due to corruption allegations. He expressed his full readiness to comply with U.S. demands regarding changing the approach to Hezbollah and calling for its weaponry to come under the authority of the Lebanese state.

Internally, political sources disclosed that intermediaries, rumored to be from Hezbollah, are working to arrange a visit for Bassil to meet with the head of the Marada Movement, Sleiman Frangieh, in Bnachii soon. This visit may occur during a religious event, aimed at opening discussions on the presidential elections and exchanging ideas and understanding as much as possible.

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