Arab World

Kadhimi's Advisor Threatens Those Involved in Attack Against Him

Kadhimi's Advisor Threatens Those Involved in Attack Against Him

The Al-Arabiya website reported on a tweet from an advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, where Mashreq Abbas, the political advisor to Mustafa Kadhimi, reiterated on Tuesday that those involved in the attempt to target the Iraqi Prime Minister would be held accountable in court. In a tweet on "Twitter," Abbas stated, "We will never relent under any circumstances in bringing the murderous terrorists who attempted to assassinate the Prime Minister to justice." He added that "Iraq has been deeply wounded, and anyone who tries to manipulate Iraq’s wound will find an answer."

The advisor's tweet came shortly after a meeting held by the "Coordination Framework" with the presence of the President, the Prime Minister, and the judiciary heads. Kadhimi confirmed in a speech on Sunday evening during a government session that security forces "know the perpetrators of the attempted assassination and will reveal them." The U.S. Department of Defense suggested the involvement of Iran-affiliated groups in the attempt to assassinate Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kadhimi. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his condemnation of the "terrorist attack" that targeted the residence of the Iraqi Prime Minister during a call with President Barham Salih.

According to the "Middle East" newspaper, sources close to the meeting indicated that it did not yield significant results regarding the key issues discussed, including confrontations between security forces and protesters opposing the election results and the attack on the Prime Minister by drone, which enhances speculation about the potential for further complications in the current political crisis, especially with accusations pointed at certain armed factions under the "Coordination Framework" umbrella regarding the attack on the Prime Minister's residence.

The newspaper added that some political circles in Baghdad mentioned that Kadhimi sent, through a political figure, a strongly worded message to the entities involved in the attack, vowing to pursue them at all costs. According to a statement issued by the meeting of the three presidencies with the "Coordination Framework," the meeting condemned the crime targeting the demonstrators and called for completing legal investigations related to it and holding those involved accountable in reference to the clashes that took place last Friday between government security forces and protesters from the "Coordination Framework" who rejected the election results, resulting in the deaths of two protesters and injuries to dozens of others, including security personnel.

The issue of targeting the Prime Minister was ranked second in the "Coordination Framework" statement, which emphasized "rejection and condemnation of the crime targeting the Prime Minister’s residence, completing the investigation, and supporting the investigation team with a specialized technical team to understand all aspects of the crime and present the responsible parties to justice." The statement stressed the need to "reduce tension, halt media escalation from all parties, remove all provocative manifestations in the streets, and move towards calming people's fears and sending reassurance messages to the Iraqi people."

In a related point, the statement discussed "seeking legal remedies for the non-objective electoral results crisis, restoring confidence in the electoral process for all parties, which has been greatly shaken, and calling for a national meeting to discuss possible solutions to this complex crisis, emphasizing everyone's commitment to civil peace and addressing all issues within the frameworks of existing legal and political processes."

In this context, the "Fatah Alliance" led by Hadi al-Amiri, which includes the majority of Iran-affiliated factions, issued a statement calling for "everyone to engage in media de-escalation and to leave matters to the judiciary and the technical committees established to resolve the incidents that occurred recently regarding the attack on peaceful demonstrators and the targeting of the Prime Minister's residence, and we all trust in the judiciary, its fairness, and its courage, so we hope everyone will adhere to de-escalation, as the situation in Iraq cannot bear further escalation."

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