The Best Foods for Air Travel

Dr. Yelena Solomatina, a Russian nutritionist, announced that proper nutrition helps to cope with air travel. In an interview with the newspaper "Vechernaya Moskva," the expert notes that air travel affects the human body. To ease the burden of flying at high altitudes, one should adhere to some simple dietary rules during travel. She states, "I never advise eating until full. The food should be simple, especially during long flights. It is better to avoid fried meats, potatoes, mayonnaise salads, and carbonated drinks, as they can cause discomfort, especially since the body is under stress in the plane."

She adds that individuals prone to blood clotting should avoid fatty foods during the flight and stick to protein-rich foods like eggs with vegetables, as these help keep one feeling full for a long time. She mentions that the negative effects of alcohol increase on board. The best drinks during flights are tomato juice, water, and herbal tea. She says, "Many fear flying, and thus they drink alcohol. However, this is strictly prohibited. Instead, one can drink calming tea. Coffee can be beneficial, but caffeine increases the risk of blood viscosity."

Furthermore, she suggests having light foods before the flight that create a feeling of fullness, along with some types of salads without any fatty additions. The simpler the food, the easier it is for the body to handle the burden of the flight. The expert advises caution with fermented dairy products and milk, as they may cause discomfort for someone sitting for a long period. Additionally, consuming fruit can negatively affect intestinal function.

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