
Announcement by Abu Faour Regarding Cancer Patients

Announcement by Abu Faour Regarding Cancer Patients

Member of the Democratic Gathering bloc, MP Wael Abu Faour, stated in a press release: "As a result of the proposals from the Democratic Gathering, and after two meetings that we held—myself and the head of the Parliamentary Health Committee, Bilal Abdullah—with Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Minister of Health Dr. Firas Abyad, Minister Abyad has prepared an effective and practical proposal. I am confident it will put an end to the suffering of cancer patients and other serious illnesses. This proposal ensures that medication reaches the patient directly, relieving both the state and the patient from all forms of exploitation, smuggling, and trafficking. We thank Prime Minister Mikati and Minister Abyad for their responsiveness and I leave it to Minister Abyad to announce the details of his plan after finalizing its specifics and requirements."

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