
Ukrainian Refugee of a Different Kind: Carrying Millions in Cash

Ukrainian Refugee of a Different Kind: Carrying Millions in Cash

Hungarian customs authorities discovered a massive sum of money in possession of the wife of a controversial Ukrainian mogul after crossing the border. The British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that customs in Hungary found $28 million and about €1.3 million in cash in the bags of Anastasia Kotevitsky, the wife of controversial Ukrainian parliament member Igor Kotevitsky. Local media published photos showing the large bags filled to the brim with bundles of dollars.

Hungarian authorities have opened an investigation into Kotevitsky's failure to declare the money she had when traveling from a war-torn country. Kotevitsky's situation is markedly different from that of millions of Ukrainian refugees wandering in search of the most basic necessities of life.

In response to the incident, Kotevitsky, considered one of the wealthiest politicians in Ukraine with substantial commercial influence, stated that his wife left the country to give birth. He denied reports that suggested his wife possessed this large amount during her travel, asserting, "All my money is in Ukrainian banks, and I haven't withdrawn anything." His 24-year-old daughter claimed that the entire story is fabricated.

The wife did not comment on the incident, as she was accompanied by her mother and two men from Hungary when the cash was discovered. The money left Ukraine illegally without encountering any obstacles, and was only detected by customs officers in Hungary, according to the Ukrainian newspaper "Obozrevatel." Reports have suggested calls for an investigation into border officials who allowed the smuggling of this money out of Ukraine, with a businessman mentioning that there is a "specific fee imposed by customs officials for money smuggling."

The Ukrainian public has a strong sensitivity towards the wealthy elite in the country, who attempt to smuggle their money abroad by land following the suspension of flights.

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