
Title: Army: Security Measures in April to Maintain Safety and Stability

Title: Army: Security Measures in April to Maintain Safety and Stability

The Army Command - Directorate of Guidance issued the following statement: "During the month of April, Army units carried out various missions to maintain security and stability in Lebanese territories, which included: security measures executed during 1,852 activities, 1 aerial search and rescue operation, 3 firefighting missions, 8 aerial patrols along the Lebanese borders using Super Tucano aircraft, 66 maritime patrols within Lebanese territorial waters, monitoring enemy Israeli maritime movements and recording 46 maritime violations, inspecting 60 commercial vessels, in addition to executing 3 maritime search and rescue missions. As a result, 1,015 individuals were arrested for committing criminal acts (545 Lebanese, 74 Palestinians, 346 Syrians, and 50 of different nationalities)."

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