Google Celebrates the Birth of Late Melhem Barakat

On Sunday, the search engine "Google" celebrated the birth of the famous Lebanese composer and singer Melhem Barakat. His image appeared on the homepage of Google in honor of the Lebanese artist's birthday, which falls on August 15. Barakat was born in the village of Kfarshima in 1942 and passed away in 2016 at the age of 74 after battling illness.

Barakat's talent emerged at a young age when he composed an anthem for his school and later enrolled at the Higher Institute of Music, where he studied Eastern singing and oud playing. He performed on the stage of the Rahbani Brothers and worked with the Lebanese theatrical composer Romeo Lahoud. He then embarked on a solo career, focusing on composition in addition to singing. He composed music for prominent Lebanese singers including Wadih El Safi, Sabah, Samira Tawfik, and Majida El Roumi. The late artist also held several concerts in Arab and European capitals and in the United States, and participated in festivals including Carthage and Jerash.

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