
Bukhari: Some Did Not Understand That They Must Step Aside

Bukhari: Some Did Not Understand That They Must Step Aside

Visitors to the Saudi ambassador in Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, reported his confirmation to "Al-Jumhuriya" that Riyadh is prepared to continue assisting Lebanon, "but we will not accept activating support before it takes steps to cleanse itself of the 'drains' that siphoned off funds in the past; otherwise, any new money will again be lost in those 'drains' and Lebanese people will not benefit from it." He noted that "despite our disagreements with the Iranians, they also do not accept that corruption remains rampant." Bukhari considered, according to his visitors, "that there are those in Lebanon who must step aside, and some have understood this while others among our adversaries and allies alike have yet to grasp it."

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