
Title: France Commends Elections: Urges Prompt Appointment of Prime Minister

Title: France Commends Elections: Urges Prompt Appointment of Prime Minister

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement regarding the parliamentary elections in Lebanon, stating:

"Lebanon passed an important stage on Sunday, May 15, 2022, by holding legislative elections amid the severe crisis the country has been facing for over two years.

France commends the organization of these elections on the scheduled date but regrets the incidents and violations recorded by the European Union's electoral observation mission and hopes for the truth to be revealed.

France urges all Lebanese officials to appoint a Prime Minister without delay and to form a new government to take the necessary measures to lift the country and to provide credible solutions that meet the aspirations of the people, particularly based on the framework agreement signed with the International Monetary Fund. France will continue to stand by the Lebanese people."

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