
Security Forces Surround Deir Ammar Plant as Protesters Block Roads

Security Forces Surround Deir Ammar Plant as Protesters Block Roads

The road was blocked in front of the Deir Ammar plant in protest against the ongoing power outages. The army established a large security perimeter around the thermal power plant for electricity production, coinciding with calls on social media platforms for a sit-in at the plant entrance this evening. The military brought in reinforcements to prevent potential rioting by some protesters.

This security tightening follows disturbances that occurred at the entrance of the plant yesterday evening, where confrontations broke out between army personnel and protesters over the complete power outage in Minieh and Tripoli, resulting in 13 injuries who were transported to hospitals in Minieh and Tripoli for treatment.

Following this, several protesters blocked the international road in the area and set fire to dry grass and reeds near the plant, which the Civil Defense later worked to extinguish.

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