
Title: "The Party Loses the Majority"


Perhaps the most significant conclusion that can be drawn from the parliamentary elections, based on the numbers reflected in the official results, is that "Hezbollah" and its allies did not achieve a majority in the House of Representatives, as the total number of seats did not exceed 59, as shown in the attached image with the news. It remains to be seen how the three deputies: Osama Saad, Abdel Rahman Al-Bizri, and Charbel Massad align, with a likelihood that Massad will align with the anti-Hezbollah axis given his background from a sovereign Jizzin environment. As for the remaining deputies, although they are spread across several blocs such as the Forces Bloc, the Change Bloc, and other smaller blocs like the Phalange and the Islamic Group, as well as those who previously belonged to the Future Movement, totaling about 8 deputies, and around 10 independent deputies, they have all taken clear stances against "Hezbollah." Therefore, it can be considered that Hezbollah's control over the Parliament has fallen, and the new council is distinctly sovereign.

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