
Title: Al-Bizri: We Will Not Support Berri's Re-election

Title: Al-Bizri: We Will Not Support Berri's Re-election

The elected deputy Abdel Rahman Al-Bizri indicated that "the focus of our electoral battle is an alliance of independent forces that are opposed and contradictory to the power system forces, and there are new forces demanding reform and state reconstruction, with which we align ourselves more." He added in an interview with "Voice of Lebanon": "The political alignment in Lebanon has been fabricated by the power forces themselves to maintain their positions, while the real alignment is between those who want to build a state that meets the aspirations of the Lebanese and those who want the state to remain a collection of divided groups." He concluded: "We will not support the re-election of President Nabih Berri as head of the new council, nor will we support any extension of any presidency, whether it be the presidency of the government or the presidency of the republic."

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