
The Reason You Should "Clear" Your Mind Before Sleep

The Reason You Should

Before sleeping, we might take care of our skin, wear comfortable pajamas, sip on a cup of herbal tea, turn off the lights, and step away from screens to create the perfect sleeping atmosphere. However, when we get into bed, our minds suddenly start to work, and we begin to think. As a result, we may suffer from insomnia and find it very difficult to fall asleep. How can you overcome this problem?

According to experts, one should perform a process called "mental decluttering" by removing crowded thoughts from the brain. Brain trainer Sarah Melicher states that brain decluttering can be done in two ways: the first is through writing, where you can jot down notes about what you're thinking and everything that happened during the day, emptying all of your thoughts while taking deep breaths and relaxing.

The second method is through a mindful and meditative state, where you can clear all thoughts by recalling them before sleeping during a meditation session, thinking of them and letting them go so you can go to bed with a clear mind. You can enhance this practice by placing one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. While your hand is on your heart, send loving thoughts and feelings to yourself; with your hand on your belly, breathe deeply and repeat calming and reassuring phrases like "I am calm, I am safe," allowing your body to relax.

Sleep coach Dave Gibson says, "The main benefit of mental decluttering is stress relief, and it is especially helpful for those who tend to overthink in the evening or when trying to sleep. It is also a useful tool if you are worried about forgetting tasks for the next day." He added, "If you want to declutter your mind in conjunction with sleep, it's essential to do so in a separate room. You need to allocate some time before sleeping, preferably outside the bedroom. This keeps your bedroom as a sanctuary for sleep. You train your brain to know that your bedroom is not a place to think about work or life stresses; it's just a place to relax and rest."

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