
Five Expected Representatives for the "Opposition Forces"

Five Expected Representatives for the

According to initial information from the electoral machines, five MPs from outside the traditional power forces secured their seats in the Parliament, with the possibility of the number rising to seven once the vote counting process is complete. This is from a total of 719 candidates spread across 103 lists, including 56 lists representing groups. The individuals mentioned are Ibrahim Mneimneh, former head of the Bar Association Melhem Khalaf, resigning MP Paula Yacoubian, ophthalmologist Elias Jradah, and Halima Qaqour. They represent the presumed quota of the "Opposition Forces" in the upcoming council. Meanwhile, none of the candidates from the "Citizens and Citizens" movement will reach the parliamentary session, although their candidate in Metn, Jad Ghosn, achieved significant numbers, as reported by the newspaper "Al-Akhbar".

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