Arab World

# Palestinian Killed and Dozens Wounded Following Israeli Army Incursion at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus

# Palestinian Killed and Dozens Wounded Following Israeli Army Incursion at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus

A Palestinian youth was killed and dozens were injured by Israeli army gunfire during clashes around Joseph's Tomb in eastern Nablus, West Bank. The Red Crescent reported that the Palestinian youth, Waseem Naser Khalifa, 18 years old and a resident of Balata camp, was shot in the chest and succumbed to his injuries. Additionally, 36 wounded individuals were transported to Rafidia and Arab hospitals for treatment, including three injuries from live bullets in the thigh, hip, and chest, along with one person hit by a gas bomb in the head and another by shrapnel in the head. Furthermore, 27 Palestinians suffered from suffocation due to tear gas canisters amid intense clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli army forces. A large contingent of the Israeli army had invaded Al-Quds and Amman streets, the area surrounding Joseph's Tomb in eastern Nablus, as well as Asekar and Balata camps, during which live ammunition and tear gas were fired.

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