
Kuwait Asks London to Surrender Embezzlers via Interpol

Kuwait Asks London to Surrender Embezzlers via Interpol

Kuwaiti authorities intend to request London to hand over suspects involved in the case of the London health office and disseminate their names through Interpol.

The newspaper "Al-Qabas" reported that Kuwait will demand the freezing of the bank accounts and assets of the suspects abroad, in preparation for the recovery of these funds, similar to actions taken in other cases with the same charges. To prevent the criminals from moving to other countries and to facilitate their capture at international checkpoints, their names will be placed on the Interpol's red notice list.

Joint investigations conducted between the British police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Kuwaiti embassy revealed embezzlements carried out by four accountants holding European nationalities, who work at the Kuwaiti health office in London. According to a well-informed diplomatic source cited by the Kuwaiti newspaper "Al-Rai," the investigations estimated the amount of embezzled funds to be around 13 million pounds sterling, equivalent to approximately 5 million Kuwaiti dinars. The four accountants began a series of embezzlements in 2009, in collaboration with a group of doctors from several British hospitals, numbering about 20 doctors.

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