
Mustafa Fahmy's Lawyer Announces Ex-Wife Stormed Apartment and Stole Family Property

Mustafa Fahmy's Lawyer Announces Ex-Wife Stormed Apartment and Stole Family Property

The lawyer of artist Mustafa Fahmy revealed that his apartment was stormed by several bodyguards in an official statement, indicating that his ex-wife attended and stole all family belongings from the apartment, according to the statement. She added in the statement: "Artist Mustafa Fahmy, while he was out of Cairo, received a phone call from the building's guard where his father's apartment is located; to inform him that his ex-wife had arrived, accompanied by a large number of bodyguards and two unknown women, one of whom claimed to be her mother. They broke into his father's apartment, broke the locks, and began seizing what was inside, including money and personal belongings belonging to him and his brother Hussein Fahmy. The apartment contained papers, documents, money, and all family possessions."

She continued: "The guard could not confront all of them alone; he notified the police to stop this farce. Isn't this evidence that we live in a time of wonders? Faten Moussa, a woman, gives her ex-husband an ultimatum, either to return her to his custody by force and aggression, or to create problems and scandals for him; in an attempt to drag him into a cheap way of dealing and degrading him to situations he has never accepted or will accept throughout his life."

She explained: "Artist Mustafa Fahmy contacted his law office to take immediate legal actions in such cases, as a result of his ex-wife storming his father's and family's apartment, accompanied by a number of thugs, in this disgraceful manner. He is keen not to be dragged into this cheap way of dealing, as he had divorced her for serious reasons, which he did not want to discuss, in order to preserve his history and that of his prestigious family, as well as her image and dignity, and to protect her family, officially notifying her of the divorce, and that he does not mind giving her all her legal and legitimate rights upon her arrival in Egypt, either by contacting his legal agent, either herself or through an official representative to receive them."

The statement concluded: "Unfortunately, Faten Moussa did not respect or appreciate his concern for not disclosing news about his personal life, and the serious reasons that led him to cancel his travel with her for her brother's engagement, which made his decision to divorce her an inevitable and final decision with no turning back, and not the false reasons she claimed on social media. She went on to spread false and misleading statements on social media, which could be punishable by law; seeking the sympathy of her followers who know nothing."

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