Arab World

Egypt: Presidential Pardon for 1,270 Prisoners on the Occasion of "Eid"

Egypt: Presidential Pardon for 1,270 Prisoners on the Occasion of

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi issued a presidential decree on Saturday pardoning the remaining sentences of 1,270 inmates after confirming that they met the conditions for pardon.

According to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Interior, "In implementation of Presidential Decree No. 297 of 2022, regarding the release of those who have completed their sentences and met the conditions for pardon, on the occasion of the celebration of Eid al-Adha, the Community Protection Sector held committees to review the files of inmates across rehabilitation centers nationwide to determine those eligible for release."

The statement added, "The committees concluded their work by recommending the release of 1,270 inmates who qualify for pardon." It further explained that this "comes within the framework of the Ministry of Interior's commitment to apply modern punitive policy, to provide various forms of care for inmates, and to activate the executive role of methods of releasing convicts who have been rehabilitated to reintegrate into society."

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