
Macron to Jumblatt: You Can Rely on Me

Macron to Jumblatt: You Can Rely on Me

The leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, received a response letter from French President Emmanuel Macron, in which he thanked him for his congratulations on winning the French presidential elections. The text is as follows:

"I have received your message, and I would like to warmly thank you and assure you that I read it with great interest. The French people, through their renewed trust in me, have demonstrated their commitment to regaining control over our destiny as a nation and our lives as citizens. This is a starting point for a new French, European, and international era, based on our values of progress. You can also rely on me to continue developing the close relations between the French and Lebanese peoples, whose fates are continuously linked through ties of history, mind, spirit, and culture. Mr. President, please accept my highest feelings of friendship.

Emmanuel Macron"

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