
Europe Opens Door to Recognize Taliban Rule with 5 Conditions

Europe Opens Door to Recognize Taliban Rule with 5 Conditions

After a period of hesitation, the European Union announced that it may recognize the Taliban's rule in Afghanistan if five conditions are met, which Brussels considers to be a criterion for the credibility of the group's promises to have changed from their previous rule. The European motivation behind opening the door for recognition is twofold: terrorism and refugees. Meanwhile, the Taliban views international recognition of its rule as essential for obtaining aid.

The conditions were outlined following an informal meeting of foreign ministers from EU member states, and they were announced by the EU spokesperson, Luis Miguel Bueno, on behalf of the ministers. However, observers have pointed out the difficulty the Taliban may face in accepting these conditions, though negotiations between the two parties may lead to a compromise.

**Details of the Conditions:**

1. The first condition is the non-use of Afghan territory to export terrorism. The Taliban had previously declared its commitment to this condition, but verification can only occur through intelligence cooperation between the parties, especially in combating terrorist groups claiming to operate in Afghanistan, such as ISIS-Khorasan.

2. The second condition is "respect for human rights, particularly women's rights, the rule of law, and press freedom." While the group's behavior has differed from the 1990s, it is challenging for the Taliban to comply with European standards regarding women's rights and press freedom.

3. The third condition is the formation of a transitional government in Afghanistan, which should be inclusive and based on negotiations with all political parties, though there is disagreement on this matter.

4. The last two conditions requested by the EU from the Taliban appear to be the easiest for the group to accept: "ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid to those in need based on international principles" and "the Taliban's commitment to allow the exit of foreign nationals and Afghan citizens at risk in light of UN Resolution 2593." The Taliban has previously expressed its desire for foreign aid and indicated its acceptance of the logistical conditions in that regard. It has also announced its full cooperation in creating conditions for foreigners wishing to leave the country.

**Why this European Step?**

Writer Hamber Saleem told "Sky News Arabia": "There is a sense of imminent danger in Afghanistan within the European Union. The EU is certain that worsening conditions there will lead to waves of refugees, most of whom will seek refuge in European countries, burdening the EU economically, politically, and even socially, in addition to the anticipated tensions within the Union concerning them."

Saleem continued: "The same applies to the issue of terrorism, as it poses a challenge to European security more than to any other region due to geographical proximity and the presence of extremist networks within the European framework. For all these reasons, the EU believes that a reasonable agreement with the Taliban could spare it from the repercussions of these issues. If the Taliban is recognized, it may change the overall climate of conditions within Afghanistan, thus potentially reducing the consequences."

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