
Study Explains the Importance of Nut Consumption for Kidney Patients

Study Explains the Importance of Nut Consumption for Kidney Patients

Researchers from Wuhan University of Science and Technology in China found a link between nut consumption and a lower prevalence of chronic kidney disease. The study's lead author, Kuo-shu Wang, and colleagues utilized data from 6,072 American adults aged 20 and older to assess the relationship between nut consumption and the prevalence of deaths associated with chronic kidney disease. The researchers discovered that consuming nuts one to six times a week was associated with a reduced prevalence of chronic kidney disease (odds ratio, 0.67). Additionally, higher walnut consumption in individuals without chronic kidney disease was significantly associated with a decreased rate of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. There was also a significant inverse relationship between consuming nuts one to six times a week and all-cause mortality among chronic kidney disease patients, with a hazard ratio of 0.63. The authors stated, "We recommend that kidney patients consume an adequate amount of nuts one to six times a week, while the frequency of consumption can be more flexible for those without chronic kidney disease. Further future studies should be conducted to confirm this conclusion."

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