
Raai: Aoun was Imposed Due to the Two-Year Council Shutdown

Raai: Aoun was Imposed Due to the Two-Year Council Shutdown

Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros Raai pointed out that "the president should not be imposed; we are a democratic country, and President Michel Aoun was imposed because of the two-year council shutdown." Raai stated in an interview with "Lebanon TV": "I emphasize the necessity of holding the presidential election within two months and always urge diplomats to work to avoid a vacuum or extensions," noting that "the constitution does not stipulate that the most representative of his sect holds the responsibility."

He added, "My advice to the voters is to cast their votes freely and consciously without any pressure." He stated: "We speak Lebanese, not Christian or Maronite. In this election, we face an economic and social collapse, along with the explosion of August 4. We must turn to honest individuals capable of bringing about change." He considered that "the judiciary has become a tool in the hands of politicians and is influenced by the political atmosphere; the appointment of judges should be conducted through law, not politics." Raai remarked: "It is disturbing that the Minister of Finance refuses to sign the decree for the Appeals Court; he has no authority to place it in the drawer." He questioned: "Why obstruct the work of the investigating judge regarding the Beirut port explosion? There is a clear intention to obstruct from certain parties, and the judiciary must be independent."

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