
First Russian Response to Biden's Statements on Sanctions Against Putin

First Russian Response to Biden's Statements on Sanctions Against Putin

Vyacheslav Volodin, the Chairman of the State Duma, stated that after Washington announced its readiness to impose new sanctions on Russia and its President Vladimir Putin, it clearly revealed its desire for a Russian president who is loyal and controlled by them. Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel: "Everything has become clear... Finally, the American leadership openly stated what it wants: Washington wants a president who is loyal (to them) and controlled."

He added that, according to the understanding of Russians, these sanctions are not against Putin, but against the choice of the country's people. He pointed out that "the United States is not happy that the Russian Federation has become strong and independent under President Vladimir Putin."

Volodin's statements follow comments made by U.S. President Joe Biden, who indicated that he does not rule out imposing personal sanctions on President Vladimir Putin in the event of escalation regarding Ukraine. Biden responded "yes" to a journalist's question on Tuesday about the possibility of personal sanctions against President Putin if Russian forces were to "invade" Ukraine. He continued that there would be "severe consequences" if there is a "Russian attack" on Ukraine, clarifying that the discussion is "not only about economic and political consequences for Russia, but also huge consequences for the whole world."

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