
Title: Moroccan Man Strangles Mother to Death with Television Wire

Title: Moroccan Man Strangles Mother to Death with Television Wire

In the northern Moroccan city of Meknes, a seventy-year-old woman was strangled to death by her son on Sunday, just days after a similar crime in which a son desecrated his mother's body in Casablanca, sparking widespread outrage on social media. Local media sources reported that the suspect in the Meknes case, who has been apprehended by authorities, killed his mother using a television wire. According to the local newspaper "Hespress," the suspect, in his forties, had spent several years in Spain before returning to Morocco recently, "after his mental illness worsened."

A video published by a local TV channel on Facebook from the crime scene featured some neighbors of the victim discussing the son's mental health issues and confirming that he strangled his mother with the television wire. Some individuals called on the authorities to address mental health issues by increasing the number of specialized mental health hospitals. This incident marks the second such crime in Morocco within a week, following the arrest of a young man who killed his mother and paraded her head through the streets of a Casablanca neighborhood last Wednesday. According to the National Police Directorate, signs of mental illness were evident in the perpetrator of the Casablanca crime.

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