
"Joke" from Mikati Increases Ambiguity in Government Formation

Eyes remain fixed on the presidential election, which has now entered the constitutional deadline starting today until October 31. Will the deputies be able to agree on a consensual candidate that unites their voices, or will the deadline pass into a vacuum in the presidency, leading to the continuation of the crisis? Meanwhile, a fifth meeting was held yesterday between President Michel Aoun and the Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati to discuss the formation of the government. Nothing was revealed about the content of the meeting, except for Mikati's joking remark to journalists that the government decrees had not been issued due to President Nabih Berri being in the south. Some viewed this remark as a positive sign of an impending government formation, while others considered it a diversion, believing that forming a government is still far from reach. Sources following the political movement ruled out any possibility of government formation due to the exorbitant conditions imposed on the Prime Minister-designate by President Aoun and his political team. They pointed out to "Anbaa" electronic that if matters were as positive as some interpret, "Mikati would not have purposely chosen to remain silent upon leaving the presidential palace, and nothing prevented him from speaking about positive signs."

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