Arab World

Statement from the Lebanese Army Regarding Israeli Violations

Statement from the Lebanese Army Regarding Israeli Violations

The Lebanese Army Command issued two statements regarding Israeli aerial and maritime violations.

The National News Agency reported that the Army Command - Directorate of Guidance issued a statement mentioning that "on January 22, 2021, from 3:53 PM until 4:08 PM, four aerial violations were recorded by enemy Israeli warplanes, flying over the sea west of the city of Sidon, heading north opposite the town of Qulayaat, before leaving the airspace at 4:08 PM over the sea west of Sidon." The agency clarified that the monitoring of these violations is being coordinated with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

Additionally, the second statement contained information about maritime violations, stating that "on January 22, 2021, between 4:30 PM and 4:38 PM, an Israeli warship violated Lebanese territorial waters opposite Ras an-Naqoura, reaching a maximum distance of about 333 meters." The statement indicated that the monitoring of this violation is also being coordinated with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

It is noteworthy that earlier today, Syrian state media reported that a military source stated, "Around 4 AM today, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial aggression with volleys of missiles from the direction of the Lebanese city of Tripoli, targeting some objectives in the vicinity of Hama province." The military source added that air defense systems confronted the hostile missiles and shot down most of them.

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