Discovery of a 1700-Year-Old Sandal in Norway's Ice

In 2019, a tourist discovered a leather sandal in Norway's ice that is 1700 years old. According to Artnet, scientists determined the age of this ancient sandal, which features fashionable elements, using carbon dating, revealing it was made in 300 AD. Expert Vegard Vike noted that this sandal is a version of the Roman footwear (Karbatina), which was widespread in Europe at that time. The expert believes its owner discarded it because it had become worn out.

Archaeologist Espen Vinstad commented, “Finding a sandal with fashion elements, like those previously discovered on the continent, at an altitude of 6500 feet is astonishing.” It is important to highlight that this is the first time scientists have found a sandal in the ice, while they have previously discovered boots and winter shoes. Vinstad added, “It was easy to laugh at the ancient tourist who knew nothing about the country he was traveling to.” However, it is more complex, as the sandal and other items found nearby indicate that "what appears today as a rugged, barren mountain landscape was once a thoroughfare. Our ancestors were not afraid to venture into harsh mountainous areas. They traveled long distances and engaged in trade."

Vinstad noted that the tourist found the ancient sandal in August 2019 and promptly contacted the relevant agency (Secrets of the Ice), which studies ice and glacial areas in Norway.

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