How to Reduce Food Waste?

British chef Martin Odell states that food waste is a significant problem as it affects both the environment and our wallets. Therefore, it's essential to focus on reducing food waste and following the best methods to achieve this goal. Here are Odell’s top tips for minimizing food waste according to the "Metro" website:

**Organize Your Food Items**

Check the back of your refrigerator and kitchen cupboards to see what food items you have and start using them regularly until they run out. This will prevent you from buying more.

**Consume Perishable Items Quickly**

Perishable items like fruits and vegetables are a ticking time bomb for food waste. Most have a shelf life of no more than three days, so these items need to be consumed quickly to avoid spoilage.

**Planning Ahead**

Think about the meals you want to cook and what you need to buy, then make a list on your phone. Try to purchase only what you need and avoid filling your fridge with food you won’t consume, as this will lead to disposing of many items when they spoil.

**Reuse Leftovers**

If you have surplus food, reuse it either by reheating it for the next day or incorporating it into a new recipe. The main goal is to prevent food from ending up in the trash. You can turn vegetable peels into chips by roasting them with oil or turn surplus vegetables like beets, cucumbers, and carrots into pickles.

**Shop Smart**

Buy only the ingredients on your list. Don’t shop while hungry because you will fill your cart with items you might suddenly crave but won’t use. If something catches your eye in a special offer, purchase it only if you have a plan for it.

**Cook Responsibly**

41% of food is wasted because it isn’t used in time, so try to use everything you have for cooking within a short period. Daily cooking is recommended to utilize surplus food before it spoils.

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