
5 Effective Ways to Protect Yourself from Forgetfulness

5 Effective Ways to Protect Yourself from Forgetfulness

Remembering everything may seem like a daunting task; however, scientists have identified specific actions one can take to maintain brain health and memory. Here are the key measures that can be taken to keep memory sharp, according to the website "MSN":

**Physical Activities**

Neurologist Dr. Sanjay Gupta states that movement is the most important thing you can do for your brain. When you move, the brain releases natural chemicals that nourish its nerves, enhancing brain functions, particularly memory.

**Focus on Good Sleep**

Gupta explains, "The brain constantly goes through a cleaning and repair cycle at night. During our sleep, it appears that the brain removes debris and toxins that can lead to forgetfulness and dementia. To ensure this process is optimal, I recommend getting seven to nine hours of good sleep every night."

**Regular Exercise**

Gupta points out that both aerobic and anaerobic exercises (strength training) are not only beneficial for the body but also for the brain. He claims the connection between physical fitness and brain fitness is clear, direct, and strong.

**Eat a Healthy Diet**

According to Gupta, what is good for the heart is also good for the brain, and a healthy diet can reduce the risk of serious disorders that destroy the mind, including Alzheimer’s disease. A healthy diet includes consuming less red meat and processed foods while focusing on fruits and vegetables.

**Social Interaction**

Social interaction is a significant contributor to the formation of new brain cells or neurogenesis. Gupta stated, "Social interaction is crucial in reducing the risk of dementia. Certain neurotransmitters are released when we interact with others; therefore, I recommend staying connected with others to maintain brain health."

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